Friday, June 26, 2009

Go Fly a Kite Daddy

As part of celebrating Father's Day, Di, Francesca and I went to fly a kite at Francesca's Chinese school in Cupertino. Not surprisingly, Francesca turned out to be quite the kite handler. Take a look:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Looks Good, Thank you"

Francesca often plays and acts much older than her age. It is a thrill to watch her whether she is at "Age 4" play or at "Grown Up" play. The other day she asked if she could attend to the family's hair care needs. Here is my turn in the chair.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cool and Hot

Francesca's brain is always on the move. I am amazed at some of the things she says and how she views her world.

We were eating lunch at the Home Depot of all places and sitting outside chomping on a hot dog. She opined, "Daddy, girls say cool and boys say hot." "That is an interesting thought," I said to myself. "Francesca, what do you mean that girls say cool and boys say hot?"

"Daddy," she exclaimed with mild concern, "girls think boys are cool and boys think girls are hot."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Girl Colors

It is early Saturday morning and time for rest and relaxation. On this day, that is not to be. Francesca's Mom and her brother Daniel are off to work, which has put a crimp in her style and clouded her mood.

Before everyone left for their assigned duties, however, we had a rambling conversation as we pondered the day from the comfort of the king bed gazing at the ceiling, which Frankie's Mom dotted with multi-colored polkas six months ago.

As we talk about the colors, Frankie imparted some facts I had never considered. I learned something new about colors, "girl colors." According to Frankie, "pink, purple, yellow and white are girl colors." They are girl colors because girls like them so much. "Daddy, can we paint my room today?"

Friday, June 12, 2009

You Daddy

Today is Friday, June 12, Francesca's last day at Glen Oaks Montessori, where she has been going since the Fall of 2007. She is excited today because it is the last day of the school year and the beginning of another new adventure. Frankie never fails to charm with what she says and does.

This morning she begins the day with a very serious question for her Dad. "Daddy, when I turn four and a half can I have a chihuahua?" I respond. "What?" "Daddy, I want a chihuahua when I am four and a half." "But why?," I respond. "Daddy, chihuahua's are fun and cute and cuddly." "Well, Frankie, who will take care of this chihuahua?" With that ever loving smile and beautiful brown eyes like her Mom, she points straight at me, "you Daddy."
