Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You Shouldn't Date When You're Married

"You shouldn't date another girl when you are married," Francesca exclaimed!  "What did you say?" I calmly replied as Francesca began one of her "Let's give Dad advice and counsel" sessions.

I was flabbergasted when Francesca bolted out that piece of wisdom!  With the Tiger Woods fiasco and the endless stories of heretofore clean cut "sports figures" and "politicians" I could not imagine where on God's green earth Francesca came up with that idea.  Was she watching the endless coverage of the "Tiger" on CNN and Fox?  Was she reading the countless blogs that were covering the Tiger travails?  How about the hundreds of advice columns telling Tiger how to redeem himself?  Fortunately, no to all of those questions.

The answer turned out to be some wisdom that she intuited from watching of all things "Hannah Montana" on the Disney channel.  Francesca explained that Robbie Ray, Hannah Montana's father on the show, was dating a woman.  A flash back in a previous episode showed Hannah's mother giving Hannah advice.  In Francesca's mind there was something odd going on.  On the show, Hannah's mother has passed on.  Not fully realizing this, Francesca made the judgement that what she saw was "not right."

Francesca said, "Daddy you shouldn't date another girl when you are married.  That's not right and not very nice."  "Francesca," I said, "Daddy agrees."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Francesca-isms - "If you don't tell the truth..."

Francesca continues to develop her thoughts about life from her experiences and things she learns in school.  She just had her first friend sleep over at our house and was the adult all the way.  Her friend cried herself to sleep because she was overtired from an evening of trick or treating.  Not Francesca, she sat up and played with her collection of Barbie Dolls. But before she did, "she pat, pat, pat'd" her friend to sleep, ever the caring person.

As we prepared for Halloween, she conveyed these thoughts to us.
  • Do your chores.
  • Eat all of your food.  If you do, you'll get dessert.
  • No talking to strangers.
  • No fighting.
  • Don't give up.
  • If you don't tell the truth, someone will lie to you. 
The latter exclamation is certainly food for thought.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Philosphy from Phrancesca - Connecting

It is a rare moment when I am able to capture some of Francesca's philosophical musings in realtime. I succeeded this time. This one truly is a gem and I am lost to know what was her influence. Clearly she has the fundamentals to be a teacher. This video is amazing. Take a listen to Francesca.

Friday, September 25, 2009

You Gotta Figure it Out

Francesca writes most of her songs on the fly. We are not certain where her inspiration originates. But we do know that she has a great moral compass. Listen up!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Never Give Up

Francesca, ever the optimist, has a message for everyone about everything. Listen up!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Put it higher

Francesca is advancing at the speed of fright. She is deeply into Hannah Montana and her music, loves clothes, adores shoes and covets all of the accoutrements of fashion. She insists on not only dressing herself but she meticulously lays out her clothes on the bed as they would be worn on the body. She is an amazing girl at four years old. She also loves jewelry. This of course includes her Mom's.

I was working the other night and heard a frantic exclamation from Di, "Gerry, I cannot find my engagement ring!!! Have you seen it?" I rushed upstairs from my office to offer assistance. "Sorry Honey, I have no clue. Do you think perhaps your daughter has it?" "Francesca?," I called, "did you see Mommy's ring?" As the minutes passed, we continued to search high and low for the engagement ring. "Di, don't worry we'll find it!"

After some time had passed and I returned to my office, Di called out with great relief, "I found it!!!" It was in a bag in a drawer where Francesca often saves a myriad of "things" that are important to her and her imaginary boss Tapanea. Di and I both decided to have a little chat with Francesca about first asking to play with other people's belongings and returning them to their proper place of residence. We spoke with her about the ring and why it is important to ask first to view it.

Francesca's response to us was quite surprising. With the full confidence of an eighteen year old girl, she said, "Next time put it higher so I cannot get it!"

Monday, August 3, 2009

Private Time

Even four year olds need private time. What was I thinking? Francesca was in our bedroom playing or thinking or something, I cannot image what! I called to her to ask a question to which there was no response at all.

Once again, I beckoned to her, Francesca! Daddy wants to talk with you. Finally, a response. "Daddy the reason I did not answer you is because I want private time. Boys and girls do not look at things the same. Boys have beards and mustaches and boy shoes and boy underwear. Girls have dresses and long hair and girl underwear and girl socks. Sometimes I want private time because I am a girl. I do not want to talk with you, sometimes."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mostest Job

Francesca is an interesting study in responsibility.

On Sunday July 12, as we were pondering what to do for dinner, Frankie began to wax about what is her job. We are not sure what she was thinking or what even prompted her to convey her thinking. But here goes.

Francesca exclaimed, "Do you know what my job is?" "Can you tell us, please" we responded.

"My job is to:
  • Eat

  • Sleep

  • Help Mom and Dad

  • Do dishes in the sink

  • Do my laundry myself

  • Set the table for dinner

  • Love my family

  • Do my homework

  • Kiss and hug Mommy

  • Let Daddy send me to school and pick me up early"
Francesca stopped and thought for a moment and concluded with this. "My mostest job is to help kids to be nice to each other." Well for my money this is universal advice. And it is advice that should and could be heeded by all, including world governments. Thank you Francesca!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

Francesca has recently taken a liking to miniature golf or golf in general. So we have been practice putting in the back yard. The other day we were playing and she reversed the club and started singing. Truly the best of both worlds, golf and being a rock star. Go get em Francesca.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Go Fly a Kite Daddy

As part of celebrating Father's Day, Di, Francesca and I went to fly a kite at Francesca's Chinese school in Cupertino. Not surprisingly, Francesca turned out to be quite the kite handler. Take a look:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Looks Good, Thank you"

Francesca often plays and acts much older than her age. It is a thrill to watch her whether she is at "Age 4" play or at "Grown Up" play. The other day she asked if she could attend to the family's hair care needs. Here is my turn in the chair.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cool and Hot

Francesca's brain is always on the move. I am amazed at some of the things she says and how she views her world.

We were eating lunch at the Home Depot of all places and sitting outside chomping on a hot dog. She opined, "Daddy, girls say cool and boys say hot." "That is an interesting thought," I said to myself. "Francesca, what do you mean that girls say cool and boys say hot?"

"Daddy," she exclaimed with mild concern, "girls think boys are cool and boys think girls are hot."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Girl Colors

It is early Saturday morning and time for rest and relaxation. On this day, that is not to be. Francesca's Mom and her brother Daniel are off to work, which has put a crimp in her style and clouded her mood.

Before everyone left for their assigned duties, however, we had a rambling conversation as we pondered the day from the comfort of the king bed gazing at the ceiling, which Frankie's Mom dotted with multi-colored polkas six months ago.

As we talk about the colors, Frankie imparted some facts I had never considered. I learned something new about colors, "girl colors." According to Frankie, "pink, purple, yellow and white are girl colors." They are girl colors because girls like them so much. "Daddy, can we paint my room today?"

Friday, June 12, 2009

You Daddy

Today is Friday, June 12, Francesca's last day at Glen Oaks Montessori, where she has been going since the Fall of 2007. She is excited today because it is the last day of the school year and the beginning of another new adventure. Frankie never fails to charm with what she says and does.

This morning she begins the day with a very serious question for her Dad. "Daddy, when I turn four and a half can I have a chihuahua?" I respond. "What?" "Daddy, I want a chihuahua when I am four and a half." "But why?," I respond. "Daddy, chihuahua's are fun and cute and cuddly." "Well, Frankie, who will take care of this chihuahua?" With that ever loving smile and beautiful brown eyes like her Mom, she points straight at me, "you Daddy."
